Special Presentation: Navigating Guardianship
This presentation was originally scheduled for Wednesday, March 18th but will now be held via Zoom on Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Meeting information will be sent in advance. You MUST RSVP before June 2nd to participate
Wednesday, June 3rd from 6:00-7:30pm

In Massachusetts, all persons who are 18 years or older are presumed competent to manage their educational choices, exercise their legal rights, give informed consent to their medical care, and manage their own money. However, if that same person happens to have an intellectual disability, is he or she able to make those decisions independently?
Join League School for a special virtual presentation on Navigating the guardianship process.
League Board member, Daryl Cameron Every, Esq. and League staff, Rachel Sletzinger, LICSW, will explain the guardianship process from start to finish and help you decide whether guardianship is the correct route for protecting your child’s rights to proper care and services.
If you attend, you will learn:
- When is guardianship appropriate and necessary?
- What types of guardianships exist?
- Who is considered “suitable” to serve as a Court appointed guardian?
- What are the Court required forms that must be filed, timelines that must be met, and notices that must be delivered before a Court will hear your guardianship petition?
- Once appointed, what are a guardian’s duties?
- Is a guardian personally liable for the disabled person’s debts?
- What are the top 5 mistakes to avoid when seeking a guardianship?
For additional information or to RSVP contact Michelle Melanson at mmelanson@leagueschool.com