League News
New Clinical Services Staff Tout Team Collaboration Before and During COVID-19
The League School recently welcomed four new clinical services staff to the team. We met with them before the coronavirus crisis led to the day school’s closure, and they all expressed enthusiasm about the school’s team-based approach to helping students develop to their fullest potential. That sentiment has only strengthened since the move to remote…
Read MoreTwo New Friends of League Bring Special Commitment to School’s Mission
The Friends of the League School recently welcomed new members Jon Meterparel and Keith Esthimer. They share a commitment to the school’s mission of helping students with autism live to their fullest potential: socially, emotionally, academically, and behaviorally. The Friends of League School is a talented group of professionals who share their knowledge and expand…
Read More5 Ways Technology will Contribute to School Post Reopening
The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated adoption of technology during the day school’s closure. If there’s a silver lining in the pandemic, it’s that we’ve all learned how these tools can improve academic, support, and communication needs. That’s why technology will continue to play an integral part of the school’s outreach when school resumes. Education – for…
Read MorePreparing for a Return to School
Although the League School doesn’t yet have a date for when we can return to the classrooms, planning for that day is underway. A group of key management, facilities, program coordinators, and business office staff have formed a “planning for reopening” committee. This group will establish scheduled temperature and symptom checks. They are determining the…
Read MoreResidential Program Staff go Above and Beyond During Pandemic
The League School’s Residential Program has been a model of excellence during this unprecedented time. When the state required that our on-site school program close, our residential staff sprung to action to ensure a safe, comforting, and educational program for our residents. Although many residential students went home, approximately a dozen students remained, and teamwork…
Read MoreSchool Comes Together to Respond to Challenges of Shutdown
On March 18, Governor Charlie Baker required all schools to shut down in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The League School, anticipating this directive, began planning well in advance to help students transition to a new way of learning. Beginning at the end of February, the administrative team continually communicated with the state’s special education…
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