Autism Empowerment Month 2023

League School of Greater Boston Celebrates Autism Empowerment Month

For many years the month of April has been a time for recognizing autism. In the 1970s it began to be recognized as Autism Awareness Month, with the purpose of increasing awareness of individuals with autism as well as the challenges they faced. In 2020, the Autism Society of America replaced “Awareness” with “Acceptance” for the first time, as a more active approach to recognizing autism and bringing autistic people into their communities. 

This year, League School of Greater Boston is taking that idea one step further by celebrating April as Autism Empowerment Month. Through teaching self-advocacy, academic skills, career skills and much more, the school seeks to give students the ability to empower themselves each and every day, and Autism Empowerment Month reflects that.

Throughout the month of April, League School will be making materials available to staff to enhance their classroom lessons, as well as promoting information and resources for the community to celebrate neurodiverse learners of all kinds. 

The school will also be holding spirit days throughout the month. They include:

  • Monday, April 3: Wear red and gold for autism – The autism community encourages wearing red and gold to move society more toward acceptance and empowerment.
  • Friday, April 7: Wear rainbow colors – The colors of the rainbow are as different and unique as each of us, and wearing rainbow or tie-dye clothing shows this. 
  • Friday, April 14: Sensory-friendly day – Whether it be pajamas, sweats or tag-free clothing, students and staff are encouraged to wear whatever feels good. 
  • Friday, April 28: Don’t curb your enthusiasm – Our interests make us special and unique, and on this day everyone at the school will be encouraged to wear something that showcases an interest or a passion.  

“League School is a very special place for our neurodiverse students. We’re more than just a school, and we’re more than just a program,” said League School of Greater Boston CEO Larry Sauer. “We are a community of people working together, opening the world to our students to create a place where neurodiverse individuals are accepted, included, and empowered to live their best lives.”

To learn more about World Autism Month and the ways autism acceptance and empowerment are celebrated throughout the world during the month of April, click here. April 2 was proclaimed as World Autism Awareness Day by President Joe Biden, and the full proclamation can be read here.


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Matthew Reid, Marketing Manager.

Matthew Reid

Matthew Reid is the Marketing Manager for League School of Greater Boston.