PLEASE READ: COVID-19 UPDATE as of 4/8/2020
With the safety of our students and staff as our primary concern, we continue to navigate the rapidly-evolving situation regarding COVID-19. Please read the following message from League School.
League School update 4/8/2020:
League School’s Day program will be closed until at least May 4, 2020. The Residential program will remain open for students who are currently there. Our phenomenal residential staff have been utilizing precautions detailed by The Center for Disease Control and The Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
League School’s focus has switched from enrichment activities and maintenance of skills to a remote learning model. This has required substantial coordination by our teachers and staff. Each teacher has designed a class website that features both educator-directed and student self-directed learning exercises. Our teachers and staff will also remain in close contact with their students and families.
We recognize parents, families and friends, have been required to take on additional responsibilities in the education process. To help in their efforts, we recommend the following resources:
Staff Recommended Learning Resources:
Yoga provides a good way to incorporate movement and daily stretching for students. In addition, yoga can help students develop calming regulating strategies. Here is a 5-minute video of yoga poses that students can perform at home.
This is a wonderful social story shared by the renowned Carol Gray, the original social story creator. Social stories provide information in a simple and concrete way which can help ease anxiety. Answer the hard questions because knowledge is power!
We know there are more than a few animal lovers at League. Even though their doors are closed for now, you can still enjoy a virtual visit. Encourage language and conversation skills by asking “WH” questions while you watch. What did you see? What is your favorite animal? Where should we go first on our next visit?
Audible is free to kids until the end of school year! https://stories.audible.com/start-listen
DESE Recommended Learning Resources
Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities
Students with Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs
Younger Students (Pre K-K)
Videos/Visuals Demonstrating Functional Skills
These are definitely uncertain times, but League School cannot thank everyone enough for their patience and cooperation.