This past June, a group of our Transition Program students, ages 16 to 21, were invited to go fishing at New Pond with members from the North Walpole Fish and Game Club. This has been an annual event sponsored by a club member Frank (Duke) Duquette, who is also an employee of the League School. Frank provides the bait, tackle, and lunch. Frank also organizes a group of his club members to volunteer with the students. Each of our students were paired with a club member, who helped the student fish from shore. A few of the students, and one of our teachers, had never been fishing before. We had fantastic weather, and the students had a great time fishing. Everyone caught two or more fish, and the students (and some of the teachers) were really happy they didn’t have to handle the worms or take the fish off the hooks. After a few hours of successful fishing, the students and staff retired to the clubhouse to enjoy a lunch prepared by the club members. Comments by the students included: “ thank you for teaching me how to fish”; “ I love catching huge fish, and I hope I can catch an even bigger one next time”; “ my dad was very proud of me”; “ I really enjoyed catching a pickerel and a sunfish, and spending time with my classmates “; “ I named my fish Smiley “; “ I did fantastic, fantabulous, outstanding ”; “ I really liked the hot dogs with ketchup ”; and, “ I hope I go again next year ”. The students’ parents loved the pictures shared with them, and were especially happy and grateful to the members of the North Walpole Fish and Game Club for giving their time to provide a great experience in the outdoors.