League School Hosts Discussion on Educating & Empowering Neurodivergent Learners
League School Director of Neurodiversity & Community Inclusion Lindsay Wagner led a discussion recently on Educating & Empowering Neurodivergent Learners.
The presentation was held Thursday, Dec. 15 at the school, and was the first such in-person presentation at the school since the pandemic. Lindsay explained what neurodiversity is, and about League School’s model of educating and supporting students by recognizing their individual strengths and needs. She used examples of current League students, and stressed the importance of language when dealing with a neurodiverse population.
The talk also touched on the benefits of a neurodiverse-affirming approach to education, in particular the SCERTS Model that is used at the school.
In closing, Lindsay provided resources for parents of neurodiverse children, including books, websites, podcasts and more.