Executive Director Search Committee and Friends Member Appointed to Board

Ron Katz, the Friends of League representative to the Executive Director Search Committee, was elected in June to League’s Board of Directors. Ron is Senior Director of National Accounts for Agile Fleet, a national provider of fleet and mobility management software systems. He has more than 30 years of experience working within the transportation, fleet management, and software industries.
“Joining committee members with decades of first-hand experience and unwavering commitment to autism, and learning more about the many qualifications needed for the Executive Director position, has given me unique insight into the school and its mission,” said Ron. “After interviewing several excellent candidates, Larry Sauer’s thoughtful approach to expanding the school’s influence within the autism community, and his commitment to an integrated, developmental approach to helping students succeed in their own unique way became quickly apparent. Having demonstrated his compassion to students, their families, and the League staff combined with his proven operational experience made Larry a clear choice for this important role.”
“The Board of Directors and the members of the Search Committee welcomed Ron’s thoughtful approach to choosing a new Executive Director,” said Board Chair, Roger Lockwood. “His technology background is particularly relevant to the times we’re in and will be invaluable to the Board as we navigate how to best leverage technology to advance the school’s mission.”
“The role of a Board of Directors has never been more important than during times of stress and change,” said Ron. “The Board acts as stewards of the League’s core mission of ensuring that the school has the necessary resources to stay focused on meeting the evolving needs of the students, families and staff, and I look forward to helping the Board evaluate how to best use technology and information systems to improve transparency and process improvements in the school’s finances, facilities, and operations.”