Newest Friends of League School Member Brings Unparalleled Expertise in Special Education

James Major
The League School of Greater Boston recently welcomed its newest Friends member, James Major, the retired long-time Executive Director of the state’s special education trade association, the Massachusetts Association of C766 Approved Private Schools (maaps). For 30 years, Jim led the organization that advocates for over 160 private and special education Massachusetts day and residential schools. Collectively these schools educate more than 7,000 students.
“The League School is honored to have Jim as a Friends member,” said Executive Director, Larry Sauer. “Jim’s expertise and knowledge will be invaluable to the school and our mission of helping students develop to their fullest potential – particularly during these challenging times.”
“The League School is a well-operated, mission-driven organization focused on the needs of its students and families, and I look forward to contributing,” said Jim. “Throughout the pandemic, schools that run residential programs – including the League School – needed to keep up student care and education. The staff continued to do their jobs despite the risk to their own and their family’s health, which speaks to their incredible dedication.”
Jim served on the League School’s Executive Director Search Committee. “What differentiated Larry Sauer from the other finalists was his clear dedication to the school’s staff and students,” said Jim. “That commitment to serve others who need support is a critical need, and the school will be well-served by his leadership.”
Similar to former League School Executive Director, Frank Gagliardi’s, three-month transition with Larry Sauer, Jim Major coached his Executive Director successor, Elizabeth Dello Russo Becker for a few months before his retirement. “This mentoring period helps for a smooth transition,” said Elizabeth. “Similar to Frank, Jim left a fully functioning and thriving organization, which was critical when the health crisis hit. Jim facilitated and introduced me to all the key stakeholders, which gave me the foothold needed to move maaps forward despite the leadership change.”
Before joining maaps as Executive Director, Jim was the Executive Director of the United Cerebral Palsy of Metro Boston. Prior to this, he worked at the Massachusetts Office for Children (OFC) in various capacities. Jim has his Master’s degree in social work from Boston University and is a Board member of the Merrimac Heights Academy.