Behind the Cameras at Channel 5

Recently, several students from our Pathfinders Post-Grad program visited the studios of WCVB, the Channel 5 news station in Needham. The students were given a tour of the facility, which is currently undergoing a major renovation to the newsroom and surrounding areas. The students learned about the different aspects of bringing news stories into the newsroom and preparing them to be broadcast live from their studio. The station is manned 24 hours a day, and requires many employees working together as a team to ensure that the broadcasts go off without a hitch.


After the tour, students were able to watch from the control room and the live studio as the 12:00 news was aired. They learned that timing is crucial to a successful broadcast. They had to remain silent while in the studio as any noise could potentially have been picked up by the audio equipment. After the broadcast, the students had time to speak with reporters and ask some questions. One of the things they learned was how the infamous “green screen” works during the weather report.


Before heading back to school, the students had lunch in the station’s

lunchroom and enjoyed conversing with employees. The trip was a fun and educational experience for all!

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League School building entrance.

League School

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