Be “Apart” of the 2020 Virtual Challenge!
With the continued concerns resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, we are unable to host our traditional 5K Walk/Run for Autism. However, that doesn’t mean we are cancelling the event!
Instead, starting on Saturday, May 16th we will take to the streets (and to social media) to raise awareness and support for our amazing students through 2020 Virtual Challenge for League…

How It Will Work
Starting at 10am on Saturday through Sunday at 6pm, run your own 5K, at your own pace, with whomever you choose!
You can run or jog, walk on the road, on the trail, on the treadmill, at the gym, or on the track. All we ask is that you show your support by wearing League Virtual Challenge race t-shirt and posting photos on facebook, instagram or other social media platforms.
If you have already registered you are all set! Anyone who registers before May 8th will receive a t-shirt.
Like so many others, League School has been greatly affected by all that is going on. Now, more than ever, we would love your support by fundraising. Reach out to your network of friends and family and ask if they will support your run.
100% of proceeds benefit the amazing teachers, staff and students of League School!
As always, thank you for the generous support from our events sponsors!

For additional information, please contact Michelle Melanson, Special Events Coordinator by email at mmelanson@leagueschool.com