Room 131's Fantastically Fun Trip to Friendly's!
In celebration of Valentine’s Day, we went to Friendly’s just before our winter break. To prepare for this fun event, we spent time earlier in the week discussing our trip and brainstorming about healthy choices. As a class, we agreed to drink water at Friendly’s instead of soda or lemonade because we wanted dessert too!
Before the big day, we practiced ordering and eating at a restaurant. In our classroom, we put all the desks together and pretended we were sitting in the restaurant. We looked at menus borrowed from Friendly’s, picked out what we wanted to eat, and took turns giving our orders to the “waitress” (teacher wearing an apron). We patiently waited for our imaginary food to be delivered on paper plates. We practiced talking quietly and behaving in an expected manner.
All that practicing was put to good use that Friday! We were patient, polite, and appropriate at Friendly’s! We enjoyed every minute of our trip!
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