Circle This Date on Your Calendar – Saturday, April 19th – That is the Date of the First Annual League School of Greater Boston 5K Road/1 Mile Walk Race
A group of League School staffers and parents committee is busy at work planning for the school’s first 5K joint Road Race and Walk to benefit the school. It will be held in Walpole on the Boston Marathon weekend (on the Saturday before the big race) on April 19th at the Old Post Elementary School in Walpole. It is more of a friendraiser than a fundraiser but all staffers, students, parents, past parents, families, friends and community members in our area are invited to participate.
Members of the race committee include the following staffers and parents: Anne-Marie Guarracino, Lisa Lanzoni, Lindsay Wagner, Meghan O’Regan, Paul Oricchio, Krista Swiader and parents Ha Nguyen and Deb Wolforth.
Anyone wishing to participate in the race can contact anyone on the committee. Please feel free to fill out the form below to register either as a sponsor or as a race participant. Anyone who wants to work on this special event to benefit our children’s special activity fund can contact us at the school. And keep checking our website and this newsletter in the months ahead for additional information about this very special event.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsor the Run/Walk and help us raise money and foster good will during this community event. This event will enable us to enhance our non-profit organization’s work providing for the needs of children with Autism. The League School has been providing for children and youth up to the age of 22, for almost 50 years.
We hope you will partner with us in making a gift or taking a sponsorship.
We have the following levels of sponsorship:
Gold Sponsor – $5000
Silver Sponsor – $2500
Bronze Sponsor – $1000
As a sponsor, you will receive:
• Special recognition on all race promotional materials
• Signage on the day of the race
• Acknowledgement on the day of the race
We are pleased to announce that we already have one bronze sponsor committed to our effort – J.M. Electrical of Lynnfield, MA – thanks for their support.
Your gift, in any amount, is warmly appreciated.
Please complete the form below and return it to League School.
—————————————–REGISTRATION FORM—————————————————-
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Contact Name: ______________________________________________________________
Telephone: __________________________ Email Address: __________________________
( ) Please register me as a Racer.
( ) Please register me as a Sponsor. Level: ___________________________
1st Annual 5K Road/1 Mile Walk Race
Upcoming Events at League School:
• Thursday, February 6th – Open House
• Saturday, April 19th – 1st Annual League
School Walk/Run for Autism at the Old
Post Elementary School in Walpole
Please check the school calendar on the school website, leagueschool.com, for the latest announcements about upcoming events at the school.