Residential Program Poised for Growth
Coordinator of Residential Services, Kerry Figueiredo, is passionate about the role the Residential Program plays in helping students thrive after they graduate from the League School. “After working in adult residential programs for many years, I found League School for a reason,” she says. “My main objective is to ensure a safe, welcoming, and educational environment that helps students graduate at age 22 with acquired skills that give them a promising future.” To that end, she has instituted a number of initiatives that are providing the foundation for future growth:
New Hires: 10 new staff members have joined the residential program. Kerry looks for employees who are genuine, inquisitive, and open to learning. Nine are child care counselors and one is a cook. “We added a cook position to prepare dinners, thereby freeing up the counselors to work with the students,” says Kerry. The cook also makes sure that meals adhere to any dietary restrictions.
Monthly Staff Meetings: New monthly staff meetings improve communication, foster teamwork, and enable cross training between the two residential homes. These meetings include team building activities.
Consistency of Services Across Settings: The residential staff is trained on emotional regulation plans for each student. By bridging the services that take place in the school with the residential program, the students are receiving improved support.
Supply Upgrades: There’s now a computer with parental controls on every floor of the residence halls, which has dramatically improved access. New kitchen supplies including towels, silverware, pots and pans improve the site’s attractiveness. Kerry has plans for additional decorating to improve the hominess.
Kerry is helping to ensure that it’s an integral part of the overall excellence in autism education experience. “The Residential Division is comprised of well-trained, professional staff members who are committed to delivering assistance and individual support to every student,” she says. “We provide a safe environment that offers opportunities for these young adults to eventually lead the most independent and happy life.”