League School Dealt Significant Loss of Compassionate and Inspiring Educator
Donna Griffin Dedicated to League School for Over 10 Years

Donna Griffin, the League School’s beloved Coordinator of Clinical and Family Services, lost her almost two-year battle to cancer at the beginning of the month. She worked for the League School for over 10 years and touched the lives of every staff member, student, and many of our families. “The League School meant the world to Donna,” said Larry Sauer, Chief Executive Officer. “Other than her children, there was nothing Donna cared about more than the League School and our students.”
Patrick Fuller, Director of Education, worked with Donna for more than 10 years. “Donna was a constant inspiration in my life and has had an incredible effect on my career, philosophy as an educator, and as a person,” he said. “Every day she encouraged League staff to share their knowledge and experiences to build a better environment for our students. She challenged us as educators to help us grow and become better advocates and leaders.”
In Donna’s capacity as Coordinator of Clinical and Family Services, she oversaw all the school’s clinical services: behavior services; occupational therapy; physical therapy; speech/language pathology; counseling; and school nursing. As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, she served children, adolescents, and families for over 25 years. She earned her Masters of Education in Counseling and Psychology from Cambridge College.
“(My mother) used her passion for kids to help them learn and improve their lives daily,” said her son, Barrett Griffin. He noted that she impacted not only the school’s students, but also the staff. “Donna’s unwavering love and support for the students and staff will never be forgotten,” said Rachel Sletzinger, Clinical Department Head. “She was a fighter and taught me to fight for what is right and never give up. Her memory will live on as she is everywhere at League School and forever in my heart.”
“Donna was passionate about her role, her responsibilities and our community, and was an incredible advocate for our students and families,” said Patrick. “Her internal compass, wisdom and guidance will be greatly missed by all of us. She was always there for others, always checking-in and loved laughing and talking about family. She was a great friend.”
Donna is survived by her children Heather and Barrett; her sisters, Jini & Mary; her grandchildren, Ethan and Bryson; her niece Julie; nephew Todd; and countless friends, colleagues, and others who will carry forward her legacy of giving to others.
“In times like these, we are more than an organization, we are a family and we have lost one of our own,” said Larry. “In the coming days, we will be finding some significant way to recognize and honor Donna and her extraordinary service to League School.”