2nd Annual “Fore” Autism Golf Classic
On Monday, October 15th we will hosting our 2nd Annual “Fore” Autism Golf Classic at Blue Hill Country Club in Canton, MA.
11:30am – Registration
12:00pm – Lunch
1:00pm – Shotgun Start
6:00pm – Dinner & Awards
Our goal is to help create awareness while raising funds to increase social, educational and employment opportunities for our students. Enjoy golfing on a beautiful course, auction items, lunch and dinner!
[button link=”https://secure.qgiv.com/for/vpg2rl/event/792798/” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Register Here[/button]
For additional information, contact Michelle Melanson, Special Events Coordinator at 508-850-3900 or mmelanson@leagueschool.com
Posted in Development